Good day,
There are many procedures that can be done in the rooms such as Fillers and upper and lower eyelid surgery. Liposculpture with fat transfer to the face and hands.
If you would like me to discuss a particular topic let me know and I can do a specific write up on the topic.
In the next newsletter I will discuss upper and lower eyelid surgery in more details.
The benefit of having a rooms procedure is there is less hassle of being admitted to the Hospital. It is much more convenient.
The procedures are done under local anaesthetic, usually an hour or less and you go home.
Recovery from rooms procedures are usually less than 5 days. Economically it makes sense because there is no cost of hospital and hospital staff.
Next month I will give details on eyelid surgery with before and after photos.
Kind regards
Paul McGarr
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MBBCH (Wits), FCS (Plast), Practice No. 042-000-0142158
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