Cosmetic breast surgery may be appealing to those individuals who wish to improve the fullness or reduce the size of their breasts. Reconstructive breast surgery is often performed post-mastectomy to rebuild the breast.

Cosmetic breast surgery may be appealing to those individuals who wish to improve the fullness or reduce the size of their breasts. Reconstructive breast surgery is often performed post-mastectomy to rebuild the breast.

Breast reduction is an operation in which we reduce the overall size of the breast to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body. The operation combines both a breast lift and a breast reduction.
Breast Lift
A breast lift is an operation where we lift a breast that has drooped by rearranging the existing tissue to improve the fullness of the upper half of the breast and reposition the nipple.
Breast augmentation is an operation where we enlarge the size of your breasts by placing an implant underneath each breast in order to increase the breast volume.
Copyright© Dr Paul McGarr, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, Durban
MBBCH (Wits), FCS (Plast), Practice No. 042-000-0142158
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