

Body cosmetic surgery is a component of plastic surgery for those individuals who wish to improve an isolated part or the overall cosmetic appearance of the body.

Body Cosmetic Surgery Durban


Body cosmetic surgery is a component of plastic surgery for those individuals who wish to improve an individual part or the overall cosmetic appearance of the body.

Body Cosmetic Surgery
body cosmetic surgery tummu tuck


Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the tummy and tighten / reshape it to reduce the bulge and flatten the tummy.

body cosmetic surgery liposuction


Liposuction, is the removal of fat in order to reshape the body and improve body contours and proportion. Common areas targeted include thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, the chin.

I started researching the procedures and looking for a reputable Plastic Surgeon who I could trust to perform the procedure as you want a surgeon who is experienced and capable to entrust with the operation, as it is quite a major operation.

After the operation and once the wounds had healed I was so impressed with what Dr McGarr had done for me, if I had to do it over I would, my only regret is I didn’t do it sooner. I am more confident and happy with my stomach and my breast; it is the best I have ever felt.

My scars are almost undetectable. Dr McGarr changed my life. I would recommend Dr McGarr to anyone who is looking to better their body image.
Karen Fobian

* Disclaimer: These are our patient stories and experiences. Your results may vary.

– Liposuction Patient

The experience of meeting you, your practical, no nonsense approach and sense of humour, your understanding of my needs are unparalleled in my 70 years of medical procedures.

Having lost over 30kg in the past 3 years by adopting a new lifestyle and approach to food, I was still a fat bird or big chick as even the labels on my clothes defined me.

You and your ability to see behind the flesh that dangled and wobbled, your golden hands that revealed the me inside will remain in my heart and mind always.

Mere words can never express the gratitude and thanks nor the affection I came to feel for you and your wonderful crew. From my heart.


* Disclaimer: These are our patient stories and experiences. Your results may vary.

– Abdoplasty Patient

plastic surgeon durban

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MBBCH (Wits), FCS (Plast), Practice No. 042-000-0142158
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