

Liposuction, is the removal of fat in order to reshape the body and improve body contours and proportion. Common areas targeted include thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, the chin.

Liposuction Surgery Durban


Liposuction, is the removal of fat in order to reshape the body and improve body contours and proportion. Common areas targeted include thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, the chin.

Liposuction Surgery Durban

Common Motivations

The most common motivations for undergoing liposuction concern body image. Some people have localised pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise.

Liposuction slims and reshapes these specific areas of the body. It is not a substitute for weight reduction or a cure for obesity. It does not help prevent cardiovascular disease, improve general health and well-being and is also not an effective treatment for cellulite or for loose, saggy skin.

Eligibility Criteria

Ideal candidates for liposuction include those who:

  • Are of good physical health, are psychologically stable and have a healthy weight.
  • Have firm, elastic skin with isolated pockets of fat.
  • Are aware of the limitations and have realistic expectations.

Liposuction is a day procedure, which normally takes up to 90 minutes, depending on the amount of liposuction required.

Once you are asleep, the liposuction is performed on parts of the body where re-shaping is required.  Two to three small stab incisions are made on each area to ensure we remove an even distribution of fat. Through these incisions, we apply a local anaesthetic with saline solution.

A cannula, which is a blunt ended metal tube with some side holes near the tip, is then inserted into the incisions. This is connected to a suction machine, which removes fat from the area.

The incisions are then stitched up and a compression garment is put on the patient, in order to reduce the resulting swelling, bruising and discomfort.

I use a traditional and safe* technique of tumescent liposuction.

Please pay careful consideration to the following:

  • You must avoid consuming alcohol for a week prior to the procedure.
  • You must not take anything that may thin your blood in the two weeks prior to the procedure.

This includes the following:

  • Anything with aspirin such as Grandpa, Anadin, Dispirin, some cold and flu medications and combination pain killers. You may take Panado.
  • All multi vitamins, vitamin supplements, omegas, fish oils and green tea.
  • Anything from a health shop.

The above is to ensure that your blood clots normally.

After the procedure, you are taken back to the ward.

  • After the procedure, you are taken back to the ward.
  • Within a few hours and provided you are feeling well and passing urine, you may return home.
  • You are advised to drink lots of fluids and should be passing large amounts of urine for a few days.
  • It is important that you get up and walk around for at least five minutes every hour.
  • Depending on the extent of the liposuction, most patients recover quickly and are able to drive and return to normal daily activities within a week.*
  • During this first week, you must not allow your dressings to get wet. You may bathe in a shallow bath or use a basin.
  • You must not remove your compression garment at any point. If it gets blood stained and you wish to wash it, you may do so but make sure you put it back on immediately afterwards.
  • As you are healing, it is important to carry out self-massage to assist healing and swelling. You are recommended to perform self-massage for about 15 minutes, twice a day, ideally using a hand held massage device (available from most Clicks / Dischem stores).  This massage is a very important to achieve a good outcome.
  • You will have a follow up consultation five to seven days after the procedure, again at six weeks and then three to four months after that.
Is Liposuction Surgery Safe


Don’t be shy about discussing your concerns at your consultation. It is important that you feel comfortable talking to me.


  • The incisions in which we insert the cannulas can sometimes ooze a bit. You will need to monitor these carefully and have your dressings changed if and when required.
  • Some patients may develop a haematoma,* which is bleeding from the wound. It is for this reason that pre the procedure, you must not take any blood thinning substances. In the event of extensive bleeding, you may need to return to theatre to remove the blood and stop any further bleeding.
  • As with any operation, there is a small risk of infection. In most cases, this will respond well to antibiotics.
  • Occasionally patients develop a seroma,* a collection of serous fluid, (which means your blood without the red blood cells.) In this event, it will require draining.


  • After the procedure, your body will swell in the areas where you had liposuction making it hard to tell initially that any liposuction has been performed. This is due to water retention. Do not expect to be sporting a bikini on the beach within a few weeks!  It takes time for the swelling to go down completely.
  • Some of my patients have reported significant bruising which is expected and again, can take time to heal.
  • After the procedure, you will most likely feel numbness in some areas of your skin, where the nerves have been bumped. This can take some time to return to normal.
  • Liposuction can be painful, depending on the areas and extent of the procedure. You will be given plenty of painkillers to counteract any pain incurred.
  • If liposuction is performed on large areas of the body, there is a chance that a touch up will be required over the long term. This is done 3 –  6 months afterwards in the rooms to round off minor imperfections.
  • Patients must understand that although the fat has been removed, the most important component to the overall outcome depends on the need for the skin to retract.  The level of skin retraction can vary, which can lead to an uneven look to the skin. A lot will depend on the quality of your skin tone.    It is therefore important to discuss all realistic expectations at your consultation.
  • Whilst I have found that the procedure may improve your appearance and self-confidence, it is not intended to help patients lose weight and it won’t necessarily deliver your ‘ideal’ body image or change your life. There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.
  • It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or stress about the operation. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings at your consultation. It is important that you feel comfortable talking to me.


There is no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary from person to person. Safety concerns will be discussed during your consultation. Please refer to my concise disclaimer for more information.

Liposuction Surgeon Durban

The experience of meeting you, your practical, no nonsense approach and sense of humour, your understanding of my needs are unparalleled in my 70 years of medical procedures.

Having lost over 30kg in the past 3 years by adopting a new lifestyle and approach to food, I was still a fat bird or big chick as even the labels on my clothes defined me.

You and your ability to see behind the flesh that dangled and wobbled, your golden hands that revealed the me inside will remain in my heart and mind always.

Mere words can never express the gratitude and thanks nor the affection I came to feel for you and your wonderful crew. From my heart.


* Disclaimer: These are our patient stories and experiences. Your results may vary.

– Abdoplasty Patient

I started researching the procedures and looking for a reputable Plastic Surgeon who I could trust to perform the procedure as you want a surgeon who is experienced and capable to entrust with the operation, as it is quite a major operation.

After the operation and once the wounds had healed I was so impressed with what Dr McGarr had done for me, if I had to do it over I would, my only regret is I didn’t do it sooner. I am more confident and happy with my stomach and my breast; it is the best I have ever felt.

My scars are almost undetectable. Dr McGarr changed my life. I would recommend Dr McGarr to anyone who is looking to better their body image.
Karen Fobian

* Disclaimer: These are our patient stories and experiences. Your results may vary.

– Liposuction Patient

plastic surgeon durban

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MBBCH (Wits), FCS (Plast), Practice No. 042-000-0142158
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